Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Charles | Geisler | Development Sociology | Rethinking Development in an Age of Climate Change | 2010 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Charles | Geisler | Development Sociology | Building a Sociology of Displacement | 2005 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Charles | Geisler | Development Sociology | Accumulating Insecurity, Securing Accumulation: A Conference on Militarizing Everyday Life | 2008 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Todd | Gerarden | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | The Role of Individual Inventors in the Energy Transition | 2020 | Fall | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant | |
Todd | Gerarden | Applied Economics and Management | How DOEs Government Funding Fuel Scientists? | Government support for clean energy innovation is critical to reducing the costs of addressing climate change. We will use novel data and empirical methods to study the impact of Department of Energy research and development funding. Our results will inform energy innovation policy. |
2024-2025 | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Thalia | Gerzso | Government | Judicial Resistance: The Role of Courts in Electoral Disputes | 2021 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant | |
Durba | Ghosh | History | Postcolonial Commemorations: How Revolutionaries Became Freedom Fighters in Independent India | 2015 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Durba | Ghosh | History | Contentious Knowledge: Science, Social Science and Social Movements | Project fellows published an impressive total of 9 books and dozens of articles on wide-ranging topics including the diffusion of social movements, genomics research, transgenics and the poor, labor reform in Latin America, sex and family in colonial India, and constituency in post-revolutionary America. | 2006-2009 | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Collaborative Project | |
Ivy | Gilbert | Psychology | Qualitative analysis of dairy-industry discourse on Instagram | This project analyzes visual and textual features in a small corpus of Instagram posts by dairy farmers to explore the persuasive role of social media in the discursive construction of dairy farming. Implications for moral evaluations of animals and farming practices are discussed. |
2023 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Tarleton | Gillespie | Communication | The Duality of Telecom Policymaking: The Case of Internet Governance Debates | This award supported the dissertation research of Dima Epsitein, and the 2011 publication of “Who’s Responsible for the Digital Divide? Public Perceptions and Policy Implications” (co-authored by Gillespie, Epstein, and Erik Nisbet) in The Information Society. | 2010 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Tarleton | Gillespie | Communication | The Gesture of Publication in an Information Society | With the support of this award, Gillespie laid the groundwork for his widely-cited 2010 article "The Politics of Platforms" published in New Media & Society. |
2008-2009 | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Tarleton | Gillespie | Communication | Grounding the Digital Copyright Controversies: Investigating the Intersection of Technology, Law, Politics, and Cultural Practice | This award supported research that became the 2009 paper "Characterizing Copyright in the Classroom: The Cultural Work of Anti-Piracy Campaigns" in Communication, Culture, & Critique |
2006 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Tarleton | Gillespie | Communication | The Promise of Augmented Reality | This award supported the dissertation research of Tony Liao, including his 2015 paper “Augmented or Admented Reality? The Influence of Marketing on Augmented Reality Technologies” in Information, Communication & Society. | 2012 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Thomas | Gilovich | Psychology | Why So Many People Find Informal Conversation So Stressful Despite Its Many Benefits | A write-up of 9 surveys and laboratory studies supported by this award has been submitted for publication in one of the top journals in social psychology. The most logistically challenging study was put on hold because of the pandemic, but it will be rebooted as a zoom-based study in two weeks. | 2018 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Sarah | Giroux | Development Sociology | Cyber-Boosting African Social Science: Exporting the Cornell College of Computing and Information Science Experience | 2012 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Laura | Giurge | Organizational Behavior | The Social Psychology Behind “Always On” Work Culture | 2021 | Spring | Co-PI | London Business School | CCSS Grant | |
Rebecca | Givan | Labor Studies and Employment Relations | An International Healthcare Reform Conference: From the Whitehouse to the Workplace | 2009 | Fall | PI | Rutgers University | CCSS Grant | |
Rebecca | Givan | Women and the State in Europe: Spring 2007 Brown Bag Speaker Series for the Institute for European Studies | 2006 | Fall | PI | Rutgers University | CCSS Grant | ||
Rebecca | Givan | Contentious Knowledge: Science, Social Science and Social Movements | Project fellows published an impressive total of 9 books and dozens of articles on wide-ranging topics including the diffusion of social movements, genomics research, transgenics and the poor, labor reform in Latin America, sex and family in colonial India, and constituency in post-revolutionary America. | 2006-2009 | Co-PI | Rutgers University | Collaborative Project | ||
Shannon | Gleeson | Labor Relations Law and History | Immigrant Worker Precarity, Race and the Dual Pandemic | 2021 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant | |
Shannon | Gleeson | Labor Relations Law and History | Deportation Relief | This project garnered about $35,000 in external funding and produced over 50 publications, including 2 books. Research topics included the local context of immigration, implementing immigrant worker rights, and the impact of legal status on school retention and worker claimsmaking. | 2015-2018 | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | Collaborative Project | |
Shannon | Gleeson | Labor Relations Law and History | Occupational Quality and Health | This group has advanced pilot phase research for a project on the occupational health of Latino workers. The goal is to obtain NIH funding to add a module to the Hispanic Community Health Study that can help shed light on risk factors over time. | 2019 | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | Working Group Grant | |
Shannon | Gleeson | Labor Relations Law and History | Portable Rights for Migrant Workers: Bringing the Sending State Back Into the Local | As international migration continues to rise, countries of origin have played an increasing role in engaging their emigrants; however, we know little about how they are being held accountable for the services offered to their diasporas. To fill the gap, this book analyzes on-the-ground, transnational defense of migrant labor rights.
2021 | Spring | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Shannon | Gleeson | Labor Relations Law and History | The Role of Local Governments and Civil Society in Advancing Equity and Justice for Immigrant Communities | Gleeson's Fall 2018 fellowship helped advance research with Kate Griffith on immigrant worker precarity funded by the Russell Sage Foundation, and a co-authored book with Xóchitl Bada entitled Accountability across Borders: Migrant Rights in North America (University of Texas Press, 2019). | 2018-2019 | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Shannon | Gleeson | Labor Relations Law and History | Precarity and Migrant Labor: Consular Protection as a Case of Transnational Labor Advocacy | With coauthor Xóchitl Bada (University of Illinois, Chicago), this book project uses the case of Mexico and the United States to assess the portability of worker rights across borders and the key role that the sending state and transnational civil society can play. | 2014 | Fall | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Shannon | Gleeson | Labor Relations Law and History | Portable Rights for Migrant Workers: Bringing the Sending State Back Into the Local | The QuIRI grant enabled ILR Professor Shannon Gleeson to defray publication costs for her book manuscript "Portable Rights: Bringing the Sending State Back into the Local" (with Xóchitl Bada, under contract with the University of California Press). During this funding period, the research team prepared demographic tables and other figures for the introductory chapters, consolidated a database for the methodological appendix, and submitted chapter drafts to convenings hosted by the American Sociological Association, Texas A&M and the University of Colorado. The book will be under full review by Fall 2021, with an expected publication date of late 2022. |
2020 | Fall | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | QuIRI Grant |
Peter | Glick | Nutritional Sciences | Schooling, Childbearing, and Work Transitions of Young Women in Africa: Understanding Determinants and Consequences | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Tao Leigh | Goffe | Africana Studies and Research Center | Cross-National Issues in Racial/Ethnic Inequality | 2020 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Working Group Grant | |
Jillian | Goldfarb | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | AI, Rulemaking, and Threats to Scientific Policymaking | Citizens and experts alike can influence regulatory processes primarily through public notice and comment. Generative AI threatens this democratic expression. Can generative AI skew representation by overwhelming response pools with technically sophisticated comments perceived by regulators to be as informative as those written by experts? |
2023 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Engineering | CCSS Grant |
Alyssa | Goldman | Sociology | The Causes, Consequences, and Future of Mass Incarceration in the United States | This project yielded 3 books, dozens of articles, over a million dollars in external grants, including a $450,000 award from to study the prevalence and impact of family incarceration, and an annual speaker series including Pulitzer Prize winning author, James Forman, Jr. | 2015-2018 | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Collaborative Project | |
Michael | Goldstein | Psychology | Learning to talk, learning to sing: A comparative approach to discovering mechanisms of infant learning from social interaction | 2013 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Michael | Goldstein | Psychology | Structures of Social Interaction in Language Acquisition | 2006 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Michael | Goldstein | Psychology | Socially Guided Learning in the Transition from Babbling to Words | 2008-2009 | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Faculty Fellows Program | ||
Michael | Goldstein | Psychology | The Evolving Family: Family Processes, Contexts, and the Life Course of Children | This research project was instrumental in the founding and development of the Cornell Population Center. The Cornell Population Center is an university-wide intellectual hub for demographic research and training at Cornell University. | 2004-2007 | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Collaborative Project | |
Michael | Goldstein | Psychology | The developmental origins of sensitive parenting | 2020 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Jenny | Goldstein | Global Development | Seaweed as climate technology: Scaling up materials for a justice-oriented, low-carbon future | Many scientists, policymakers, and investment firms have touted seaweed’s potential role in the transition to a low-carbon economy globally. This project asks: what are the social, political-economic, and ecological barriers and consequences to scaling up seaweed as climate technology and how can seaweed be part of a justice-centered technological future? |
2024 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Michael | Goldstein | Psychology | How do Parents See the World? Using Virtual Reality to Assess Perception of infants’ Environments (Super-department grant) | How does becoming a parent change how we see the world? Here we propose a novel virtual reality paradigm investigating what shapes parents’ perception of the environment around their infants. We will explore cognitive mechanisms that facilitate parental decision-making surrounding infant wellbeing. |
2023 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Michael | Goldstein | Psychology | Family Dynamics and Song Learning in the Zebra Finch: A New Model for Understanding Social Influences on the Development of Communication | 2011 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Jenny | Goldstein | Development Sociology | Pandemics and human-environment interactions: Land use change as a driver of coronavirus and influenza outbreaks in Asia | 2021 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | QuIRI Grant | |
Jenny | Goldstein | Global Development | Land Technologies: Interrogating Tools of Governance in the Colonial Present | 2021 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Jenny | Goldstein | Global Development | Land of No Return: Indonesia’s Development Out of Ruins | Goldstein worked on her book project, titled Land of No Return: Development after Degradation in Indonesia's Peatlands, and submitted three revised article manuscripts. She also received 4 campus funding awards for a Summer 2022 workshop for junior scholars. |
2021-2022 | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Michael | Goldstein | Psychology | Family Dynamics and Song Learning in the Zebra Finch: A New Model for Understanding Social Influences on the Development of Communication | 2011 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | ||
Miguel | Gomez | Applied Economics and Management | Impacts of Farmer Cooperatives: The Philippines and Colombia | 2020 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Miguel | Gomez | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | Developing a Longitudinal Database of Smallholder Coffee Growers to Assess Impacts of Participation in Specialty Markets | This multidisciplinary project allowed to rigorously measure levels of shade in sustainable coffee systems that allow growers to maximize profits, published as “Thee Economics and Ecology of Shade-grown Coffee: A Model to Incentivize Shade and Bird Conservation” in Ecological Economics (Hernandez et al. 2019) | 2015 | Fall | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Miguel | Gomez | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | Welfare Impacts of Participation in the Relationship Coffee Model among Colombian Smallholder Growers | This collaborative effort across multiple Cornell units examined economic, social and environmental impacts of specialty coffee value chains, titled “Quality as a driver of sustainable agricultural value chains: The case of the relationship coffee model” in Business Strategy and the Environment (Hernandez et al. 2018) | 2013 | Spring | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Miguel I. | Gomez | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | Is Colombia Ready for a Sustainable Cocoa Boom? Developing a Baseline Knowledge on the Productive Practices, Biodiversity Conditions and Environmental Performance of Cocoa Production in a Post-Conflict Context | This research examined challenges and opportunities for development of cacao value chains in post-conflict regions in rural Colombia, deriving on a MS Thesis “Using Cacao to Catalyze Development: Productivity Drivers and Technology Adoption amongst Smallholder Farmers in Montes De Maria, Colombia” (Williams 2019) | 2017 | Fall | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Jack | Goncalo | Organizational Behavior | Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship | This project garnered over 2 million in funding, produced over 100 publications on topics including entrepreneurial team evolution; creativity evaluation; intellectual property rights; and scholarly originality. It was a catalyst for the Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship LLM degree and the undergraduate Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor. | 2013-2016 | Co-PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | Collaborative Project | |
Marlen | Gonzalez | Human Development | Neural Instantiation of Physical and Social Nutrients | This project will test the overlapping and unique representations of social and physical resources in the brain using partner hand holding and a tasteless carbohydrate. |
2020 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Marlen | Gonzalez | Psychology | The Neuroecology of Space Use, Belonging, and URM Experience in Higher Education | Submitted a discussed NIH grant, submitted and obtained IRB approval for the proposed project, began working with CCSS and Redcloud to architect a cloud data pipeline for MRI data |
2021-2022 | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Christopher | Gonzalez | Internal Medicine Weill Cornell | Leveraging Father-Son Relationships to Optimize Weight-Management Interventions in Hispanic Immigrant Communities | 2021 | Spring | PI | Weill Cornell Medicine | Grant Writing Development Pilot Grant |
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