Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Mary | Elson | Psychology | The developmental origins of sensitive parenting | 2020 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Stephen | Emlen | Neurobiology and Behavior | The Evolving Family: Family Processes, Contexts, and the Life Course of Children | This research project was instrumental in the founding and development of the Cornell Population Center. The Cornell Population Center is an university-wide intellectual hub for demographic research and training at Cornell University. | 2004-2007 | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Collaborative Project | |
Hassan | Enayati | Institute for Compensation Studies | The Cornell Criminal Records Panel Survey (CCRPS): Sample Expansion and Linkage to Administrative Records | This grant supported participant recruitment for the CCRPS, as well as coding of administrative data. This helped us to gain funding from the Department of Labor for the development and fielding of the Wave 2 survey (EO-30278-17-60-5-36; $244,603). | 2016 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Peter | Enns | Government | The Causes, Consequences, and Future of Mass Incarceration in the United States | This project yielded 3 books, dozens of articles, over a million dollars in external grants, including a $450,000 award from to study the prevalence and impact of family incarceration, and an annual speaker series including Pulitzer Prize winning author, James Forman, Jr. | 2015-2018 | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Collaborative Project | |
Peter | Enns | Roper Center, Government | Merging Data from the Roper Center Archive to Facilitate Population Subgroup Analysis: Identifying Opportunities and Strategies | This group met regularly, wrote a cross-disciplinary Cornell Migrations research proposal with faculty from Govt, Comm, and PAM to understand the social and political views of Latino Immigrants in the U.S., 2003-2019 and received an NSF grant to evaluate social bias during the COVID-19 crisis. [45] |
2019 | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Working Group Grant | |
Peter | Enns | Government | Judgment, Decision Making, and Social Behavior | This 12-person project procured about 10 million dollars in funding and produced a record number of 256 publications, including 5 books and 225 peer-reviewed articles on the neuroscience of risk, adult attachment, the decision-making of judges and juries, behavioral economics, happiness metrics, and political representation. | 2009-2012 | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Collaborative Project | |
Peter | Enns | Government | Conference on Homogeneity and Heterogeneity in Public Opinion | This conference led to the edited volume, Who Gets Represented? (Enns and Wlezien 2011). | 2007 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Dmitry | Epstein | Communication | The Duality of Telecom Policymaking: The Case of Internet Governance Debates | This award supported the dissertation research of Dima Epstein, and the 2011 publication of “Who’s Responsible for the Digital Divide? Public Perceptions and Policy Implications” (co-authored by Gillespie, Epstein, and Erik Nisbet) in The Information Society. |
2010 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Wendy | Erb | Lab of Ornithology | Hearing the Forest Through the Trees: Collaborative Science and Indigenous Sonic Entanglements in East Kalimantan | Working with frontline Indigenous communities, this team of social and natural scientists brings anthropological, bioacoustic, and Indigenous knowledges together to investigate: 1) The impacts of Indonesia's emerging new capital, Nusantara, on surrounding peoples and landscapes, and 2) how collaborative soundscape research can reveal novel multi-species entanglements and advance Indigenous territorial monitoring. |
2023 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Angel | Escamilla García | Einaudi Center for International Studies | Transit Migration in Mexico After the Covid-19 Pandemic: New Policies, New migrants but Same Precarity | This research will investigate the impact that the COVID-19 has had on migrant minors on transit through Mexico to the United States. The researcher will explore how violence and precariousness against children have been exacerbated during the 2020 global pandemic. |
2022 | Spring | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant | |
Matthew | Evangelista | Government | Unexplored paths to peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict | What makes certain conflicts intractable, and how can we resolve them? To attain coexistence, we must understand why and how conflicts, like the Israeli-Palestinian one, become existential – being not merely about “us vs. them,” but about both sides believing “it’s either us or them." |
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Matthew | Evangelista | Government | Humanity's Midlife Crisis: The Existential Deadlock of Liber | This book project submits that humanity's progress towards peace and prosperity increasingly coincides with regress into mass uncertainty and unease, climaxing with the coronavirus crisis. Decoding liberalism's deadlock may help renew hope and improve politics. We examine our propositions comparatively, across cultures and civilizations. |
2020 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Gary W. | Evans | Design and Environmental Analysis, Human Development | Childhood Poverty, Health, and Behavior: Biological and Psychosocial Pathways | 2016 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Gary | Evans | Design and Environmental Analysis | Chaos and Children's Development: Levels of Analysis and Mechanisms | This SSRC grant in conjunction with additional funding enabled hosting of the International Network for Research on Inequalities in Child Health at Cornell. This is only the second time this Network has met in the United States. Funding also enabled support for several, international graduate students to attend. | 2007 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant |
Jerel | Ezell | Africana Studies and Research Center | Intergenerational Trauma: Flint, COVID-19 and Racial Justice | 2020 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Jerel | Ezell | Africana Studies and Research Center | Exploring and understanding communities within communities: A mixed methods investigation of rural drug use among Black, Latinx, and Native Americans | 2021 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Grant Writing Development Fellow | |
Jerel | Ezell | Africana Studies and Research Center | The Water Justice League: Generating and Sustaining Water and Climate Resilience on Onondaga Lake through Citizen Science | The Water Justice League is a 4-week culturally tailored intervention and Community-Based Participatory Research Project that will assess and build water and climate change literacy and resilience in Onondaga Nation and generate ideas and pathways for sustainable business development and spiritual reprieve on Lake Onondaga. |
2022-2023 | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Jason | Faberman | Agglomeration Effects: The Role of Selection | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago | CCSS Grant | ||
Amr | Faharat | 2010 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing conference in 2010 at Cornell University | 2009 | Fall | Co-PI | MIT | CCSS Grant | ||
Sasha | Fahme | Internal Medicine Weill Cornell | Prevalence and predictors of sexually transmitted infections among trauma-exposed Syrian refugee women in Beirut, Lebanon | 2021 | Spring | PI | Weill Cornell Medicine | Grant Writing Development Pilot Grant | |
Ziad | Fahmy | Near Eastern Studies | Listening to the Nation: Mass Culture and Identities in Interwar Egypt | This seed grant led to my award of an NEH [FPIRI Program]—American Research Center in Egypt Faculty Research Fellowship. It also supported my research, which led to my recent book: Street Sounds: Listening to Everyday Life in Modern Egypt (Stanford University Press, 2020) |
2012 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Ximena | Fajardo | Management | Is Colombia Ready for a Sustainable Cocoa Boom? Developing a Baseline Knowledge on the Productive Practices, Biodiversity Conditions and Environmental Performance of Cocoa Production in a Post-Conflict Context | This research examined challenges and opportunities for development of cacao value chains in post-conflict regions in rural Colombia, deriving on a MS Thesis “Using Cacao to Catalyze Development: Productivity Drivers and Technology Adoption amongst Smallholder Farmers in Montes De Maria, Colombia” (Williams 2019) | 2017 | Fall | Co-PI | University of the Andes | CCSS Grant |
Michelle | Falkenbach | Public and Ecosystem Health | Austria's Fall from Grace: The Kurz Regime and its Impact on Democracy | This article investigates whether instruments of the state have become instruments of the new ÖVP (Austrian People's Party), much like in Erdogan's Turkey, or Orbán's Hungary. The research question: Is Austria is at risk of democratic backsliding as a direct result of the "Kurz Regime." |
2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine | QuIRI Grant |
Wicia | Fang | Psychology | Relational and Well-being Outcomes of (Non) Reciprocity in Attachment Networks | How do people fulfill their attachment needs across people in their networks, and how do people also meet the needs of others in their network? Proposed studies test novel hypotheses on how reciprocated ties confer unique benefits for individuals (security), dyads (satisfaction), and networks (status). |
2023 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Sean | Fath | Organizational Behavior | Black Employees’ Allyship Needs | In general, fulfilling relationships with coworkers can foster positive work outcomes for employees. Expanding on this broad framework, we demonstrate that when Black employees’ allyship needs are met by their white coworkers, they experience higher attachment to coworkers, higher organizational commitment, and lower turnover intentions.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Sean | Fath | Organizational Behavior | Testing interventions to encourage self-blinding | 2020 | Fall | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant | |
Ding | Fei | City and Regional Planning | Auto finance, ride-hailing, and platform labor: a comparative study of Lagos and Addis Ababa | This project examines Africa's expanding ride-hailing sector through a comparative analysis of Addis Ababa and Lagos, focusing on the relationships between platforms, auto financiers, and labor. It explores employment practices, worker experiences, and unions' strategies amid diverse financial and regulatory frameworks shaping digital labor. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | QuIRI Grant |
Ding | Fei | Global Development | Afterlives of Pandemics: Disrupted Mobility and New Transnational Habitus of Chinese Labor | The project investigates how stringent Covid-19 prevention measures in China generate new forms of (im)mobility and transnational life aspirations among Chinese migrant workers in “Belt and Road” countries, and how workers' encounters with different pandemic control regimes produce alternative visions and interpretations of state-led development. |
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Shelley | Feldman | Development Sociology | Rethinking Development in an Age of Climate Change | 2010 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Shelley | Feldman | Development Sociology | Building a Sociology of Displacement | 2005 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Shelley | Feldman | Development Sociology | Accumulating Insecurity, Securing Accumulation: A Conference on Militarizing Everyday Life | 2008 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Shelley | Feldman | Development Sociology | Refiguring Village Studies: New Approaches to Agrarian Change in South Asia | 2011 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Shelley | Feldman | Development Sociology | Precarious Lives, Desired Futures: Reimagining Lives and Livelihoods | 2014 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Melissa | Ferguson | Psychology | Implicit Nationalism and Prejudice: Testing effects on behavior | 2011 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Melissa | Ferguson | Psychology | The Implicit Operation of Ideology | 2008 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Melissa | Ferguson | Psychology | Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship | This project garnered over 2 million in funding, produced over 100 publications on topics including entrepreneurial team evolution; creativity evaluation; intellectual property rights; and scholarly originality. It was a catalyst for the Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship LLM degree and the undergraduate Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor. | 2013-2016 | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Collaborative Project | |
Daniel | Ferman-Leon | Anthropology | The Financialization of Racialized Geographies: Real Estate Investment and Housing Insecurity in Kansas City | Fermon-Leon's funding has been used to explore the archives of business journals and local development publications. The remainder of the funds will be used to carryout in-depth interviews and focus groups. |
2020 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Jose | Fernandez-Albertos | Preferences of Firms During Economic Crists: Evidence from Spain | 2013 | Spring | Co-PI | Institute for Policies and Public Goods | CCSS Grant | ||
Jose | Fernandez-Albertos | Economic Hardship, Citizen Policy Preferences, and Political Participation in the Eurozone Periphery: Evidence from Spain | 2015 | Spring | Co-PI | Institute for Policies and Public Goods | CCSS Grant | ||
David | Field | Psychology | Investigating individual differences in the emotional and perceptual responses to visual scenes | 2021 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Andrew | Fieldhouse | Economics | Marginal Tax Rates and Income: New Time Series Evidence | 2015 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Roger | Figueroa | Nutritional Sciences | Community Needs Assessment on Facilitators and Inhibitors of Food Security in Toa Alta, Puerto Rico | 2019 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Roger | Figueroa | Nutritional Sciences | Acceptability of local food procurement among recipients in Cortland and Tompkins counties, New York | This project evaluates the acceptability of the Local Food Procurement Agreement (LFPA) in Cortland and Tompkins counties. Through focus groups, it examines recipient perceptions regarding LFPA’s effectiveness, burden, and ethicality to assess its role in strengthening food systems, reducing food insecurity, and supporting small-scale farmers. |
2024 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | QuIRI Grant |
Roger | Figueroa | Nutritional Sciences | Neural Instantiation of Physical and Social Nutrients | 2020 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Roger | Figueroa | Nutritional Sciences | Establishing a community advisory board (CAB) of child nutrition policymakers, CACFP stakeholders, ECE staff, Registered Dietitians, and parents of preschoolers to design a multi-level intervention to promote preschoolers' nutrient-dense food consumption in CACFP-participating ECE programs. | 2021 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | Grant Writing Development Pilot Grant | |
Roger | Figueroa | Nutritional Sciences | Evaluating the Impact of a Modified Community-Supported Agriculture Program at an Urban Food Pantry for low-income parent-child dyads | 2023 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | Grant Writing Development Fellow | |
Kathryn | Fiorella | Public and Ecosystem Health | Health and Environment | 2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine | Grant Writing Development Pilot Grant | |
Kathryn | Fiorella | Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences | The Social-Ecological Impacts of Ascendant Aquaculture | Fiorella wrote a single-author publication that examines interactions between freshwater fisheries and aquaculture, and the potential risks and benefits of those. She also received grants that will further her work, including a Public and Ecosystem Health Impact Award and Migrations Initiative Award. |
2021-2022 | PI | Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Kathryn | Fiorella | Public and Ecosystem Health | Mapping Aquaculture and Wild Fishery Interactions in a Changing Aquatic Food System | Aquatic food systems are rapidly transforming: aquaculture now produces over 50% of aquatic foods. This proposal examines the synergies and trade-offs between wild fisheries and aquaculture resource access and value chains amid this transformation around Lake Victoria, Kenya, a context emblematic of change in global aquatic food systems. |
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine | CCSS Grant |
Kathryn | Fiorella | Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences | Understanding Use of Wild and Backyard Foods in Response to COVID19 in Upstate New York | 2021 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine | QuIRI Grant |
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