Search our database of all past CCSS grantees, fellows, collaborative projects, and working group grants.
First Name | Last Name Sort descending | Department / School | Project Title | Abstract/Impact Statement | Year | Semester | PI/Co-PI | College | Grant Type |
Rachel | Bezner Kerr | Development Sociology | First Conference/Workshop: Ecological Learning Collaboratory for Food, Healing, and Spatial Justice | 2018 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Aparajita | Bhandari | Communication | Communicative Labor and Community Care in Times of Crisis: The Case of VaxHuntersCanada | This project engages in a multi-method exploration of the hidden labor of building digitally mediated collectives through a case study of VaxHuntersCanada's social media channels, a large volunteer run online community created to help people find vaccine appointments during the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Isha | Bhatnagar | Global Development | Dearest daughters: Women's agency, parental expectations and elderly support in north India | Using interviews with women and focus group discussions with elderly parents in Delhi, I investigate how the gender, birth order and physical proximity of siblings influences women's agency to support elderly parents, spousal decision-making on visiting wife's family, and elderly expectations from their children.
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | QuIRI Grant |
Lin | Bian | Human Development | A role-model intervention to motivate young girls in science | 2020 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Human Ecology | CCSS Grant | |
Esta | Bigler | Labor and Employment Law | Law and Social Sciences: Using Theory and Research on Discrimination in Title VII Class Action Litigation | The talks given at this conference affected a publication co-authored by Tolbert in 2012 and also laid the foundation for a 2014 conference that resulted in the special issue of ILR Review. Based on peer reviews, nine papers from the conference were published in a 2016 special issue of the ILR Review, Inequality in the Workplace. Collectively, the papers have received over 300 citations to date. |
2007 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Esta R. | Bigler | Labor and Employment Law | The Cornell Criminal Records Panel Survey (CCRPS): Sample Expansion and Linkage to Administrative Records | This grant supported participant recruitment for the CCRPS, as well as coding of administrative data. This helped us to gain funding from the Department of Labor for the development and fielding of the Wave 2 survey (EO-30278-17-60-5-36; $244,603). | 2016 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Esta | Bigler | Labor and Employment Law | Law and Social Sciences Conference: Increasing Inclusion/Reducing Discrimination: What Works | Based on peer reviews, nine papers from the conference were published in a 2016 special issue of the ILR Review, Inequality in the Workplace. Collectively, the papers have received over 300 citations to date. | 2014 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Katarzyna | Bilicka | The Capacity to be Aggressive: Structured Management and Tax Behaviors or Firms | 2019 | Fall | Co-PI | Utah State University | CCSS Grant | ||
Amanda | Birnbaum | Public Health | Adolescent Health and Community Service: Building Bridges and Planting Seeds | 2005 | Spring | Co-PI | Weill Cornell Medicine | CCSS Grant | |
Jeremy | Birnholtz | Communication | Improving Distributed Collaboration by Understanding Interpersonal Attention | 2008 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Kendra | Bischoff | Sociology | Neighborhood Preferences and School Choice | This project examines how residential segregation and school choice conditions influence attitudes about schooling and residential preferences. An article was presented at the 2020 Eastern Sociological Association Conference and is currently in preparation for journal submission. | 2016 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Kendra | Bischoff | Sociology | Participation in Local Governance Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Case of School Boards | The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of school governance in local communities as districts’ independent decisions not only affected children’s education, but also adults’ labor force participation. This project examines how the pandemic, and its interaction with community demographics, affected school board election turnout rates. |
2024 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Kendra | Bischoff | Sociology | Choosing Neighborhoods, Choosing Schools: A Pilot Study of the Association between Neighborhood and School Composition | This collaborative demographic analysis resulted in the publication of “The Racial Composition of Neighborhoods and Local Schools: The Role of Diversity, Inequality, and School Choice” in _City and Community_ and “School Choice, Neighborhood Change, and Racial Imbalance Between Public Elementary Schools and Surrounding Neighborhoods” in _Sociological Science_. | 2013 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Dina | Bishara | International and Comparative Labor | The Politics of Labor Market Outsiders in the Middle East and North Africa: Insights from Tunisia | This project aims at unpacking the political and social policy preferences of labor market outsiders in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). We will conduct a pilot survey in Tunisia, which will serve as the foundation for a larger grant proposal. |
2023 | Spring | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Dina | Bishara | International and Comparative Labor | The Generative Power of Protest: Time and Space in Contentious Politics | Bishara conducted research on the effects of subnational resource wealth on protest in Tunisia. Bishara published three peer-reviewed articles in 2021-2022. Her article, “The Generative Power of Protest: Time and Space in Contentious Politics” (Comparative Political Studies, 2021), was awarded “Best Fieldwork” by the Middle East and North Africa Politics Section of the American Political Science Association. |
2021-2022 | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | Faculty Fellows Program | ||
Amiel | Bize | Anthropology | Indexing Environments: Risk, Value, and Experimentation in the Era of Climate Change | This project examines “index-based insurance” (IBI)—a response to climate-induced risks for farmers and herders in the Global South. Examining IBI as an experimental technology that straddles development and finance, it explores the implications of IBI’s framing of risk, environment, and social life. |
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Alexandra | Blackman | Government | Elite and Citizen Interviews in High-Risk Settings: Research Challenges and Teaching Opportunities | 2020 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Working Group Grant | |
Garrick | Blalock | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | Can an Improved Sales Contract Speed Adoption of Improved Stoves? | 2010 | Fall | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant | |
Garrick | Blalock | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | Leveraging the Commercialization of Animal Bone-Derived Biofertilizers to Create Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Landless Poor in Ethiopia | 2015 | Spring | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant | |
William | Block | Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research | Linking Public & Private Food Assistance Through Admin. Data | 2020 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell Research Division | CCSS Grant | |
William | Block | Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research | Cyber-Boosting African Social Science: Exporting the Cornell College of Computing and Information Science Experience | 2012 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell Research Division | CCSS Grant | |
Bernd | Blossey | Natural Resources | Beyond Diversity: Re-Situating Pluralism | 2008 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Larry | Blume | Economics | Getting Connected: Social Science in the Age of Networks | This project garnered a record-breaking 22 million in external funding, including Michael Macy’s 2 million NSF project on large semi-structured datasets (2005). In addition, Jon Kleinberg and David Easley created a highly-subscribed, interdisciplinary course, which continues to launch the next generation of networks scholars. | 2005-2008 | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | Collaborative Project | |
John H. | Blume | Law | Prosecutorial Discretion & Perceptions of Place: How Neighborhoods Matter in Juvenile Cases | Through in-depth interviews and participatory mapping, this study investigates the process of prosecutorial discretion, focusing on the influence of spatial stigma on charging offers for juvenile offenders and answering the question: how do attorneys perceive the role of neighborhoods in their approach to prosecuting juvenile cases? |
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell Law School | CCSS Grant |
John H. | Blume | Law | Capital Jurors Deciding Intellectual Disability: What Matters and Why? | 2010 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell Law School | CCSS Grant | |
Aaron | Bodoh-Creed | Economics | Can Subjects Play Equilibria of Purified Games? | This study examined why subjects fail to play mixed-strategy equilibria in zero-sum games, calling into question prior research which suggests that experimental subjects do not follow the predictions of game theory and cannot bring the skills and heuristics used in real‐life economies into the laboratory. |
2011 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Vicki | Bogan | Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management | Team Diversity and Financial Decision Making | This project lead to a publication in the Review of Behavioral Finance. Bogan et al. (2013) _Team Gender Diversity and Investment Decision Making Behavior_ Review of Behavioral Finance. 5 (2), 134-152. | 2009 | Fall | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Vanessa | Bohns | Organizational Behavior | The Hidden Costs of Intrinsic Motivation | Intrinsic motivation is championed as a benefit that people should aspire to, with little attention paid to the negative consequences. We study an interpersonal cost of high intrinsic motivation: managers are more likely to burden intrinsically motivated employees with extra work tasks.
2024 | Spring | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Vanessa | Bohns | Organizational Behavior, Psychology | The Social Psychology Behind “Always On” Work Culture | 2021 | Spring | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant | |
Vanessa | Bohns | Organizational Behavior | Prosocial Behaviors in the Digital Age | This team has generated over $900,000 in grants and 45 publications thus far, including 1 book. Research topics include the Social Media TestDrive project, fact-checking dynamics on Reddit, diverse participation in online education, underestimating others' willingness to help, and encouraging bystander interventions on social media. | 2018-2021 | Co-PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | Collaborative Project | |
Vanessa | Bohns | Organizational Behavior | Understanding Our Influence Over Others’ Moral Decisions | Studies conducted as part of this research project were published in, "With a little help from my friends (and strangers): closeness as a moderator of the underestimation-of-compliance effect," Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2019. | 2015 | Fall | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | CCSS Grant |
Brittany | Bond | Organizational Behavior | Organizational Interventions to Alleviate Burnout and Promote Well-Being | Can organizational interventions reduce employee burnout and promote well-being? We are planning to investigate these questions using a randomized field experiment in the setting of veterinarian clinics in the United States. |
2024 | PI | Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations | Collaborative Project | |
Claudia | Boneu | Community Needs Assessment on Facilitators and Inhibitors of Food Security in Toa Alta, Puerto Rico | 2019 | Fall | Co-PI | University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus | CCSS Grant | ||
Christopher | Boone | School of Hotel Administration | The Effects of Employee Ownership on Executive Compensation | 2017 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant | |
Nicolas | Bottan | Economics | Social comparisons and economic decisions | I propose a new research project where I plan on conducting an online survey experiment and a large-scale field experiment to study the causal effect of social comparisons and home price expectations on individual housing investment decisions. |
2023-2024 | PI | Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy | Faculty Fellows Program | |
Nicolas | Bottan | Economics | Redistribution in the Age of Artificial Intelligence | Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT promise significant productivity improvements, but they may also reduce the importance of human capital and labor, further concentrating power and wealth in the hands of the rich. The authors investigate views on inequality and support for economic policies in an AI dominated economy. |
2023 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Khaled | Boughanmi | Marketing and Management Communication | Leveraging Generative AI for Marketing Research: An Application on Music Album Reviews | The capabilities of Generative AI to extract thematic content from unstructured data make it powerful to understand experiential domains. This research leverages this technology to extract experiential features from expert music reviews to enhance our understanding of album success and aid artists in their designs. |
2023 | Fall | PI | Cornell SC Johnson College of Business | CCSS Grant |
Cynthia | Bowman | Law | Women, Sustainable Development and Food Sovereignty/Security in a Changing World | This grant helped fund an international conference at Cornell Law School of feminist scholars and activists engaged in grassroots work to protect the environment; it resulted in papers published in a symposium issue of the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy in 2013. | 2011 | Fall | PI | Cornell Law School | CCSS Grant |
Cynthia | Bowman | Law | Gas Drilling, Sustainability, and Energy Policy: Searching for Common Ground | 2011 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell Law School | CCSS Grant | |
Jonathan | Boyarin | Anthropology, Near Eastern Studies, Jewish Studies | The Yiddish Immigrant Left from Popular Front to Cold War | 2020 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Matthew | Brashears | Sociology | Eating Network Partners | We developed a conceptual framework and measures incorporating data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS). | 2010 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant |
Louis-Philippe | Brochu | Government | Studying Identities through a Creative Qualitative Lens | 2020 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Working Group Grant | |
Sara | Bronin | City and Regional Planning | Building a National Zoning Atlas | 2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | Grant Writing Support Program | |
Sara | Bronin | City and Regional Planning | A Historic Preservation Local Law Census: Where and Why | People interact with preservation law predominantly at the local level, through historic commissions that opine on proposed rehab projects. Yet there is neither a census of local governments that regulate historic places, nor any scholarship that ties adoption to demographic characteristics, political inclinations, and state enabling authority features. My research will identify where historic districts have been adopted and explore how rates of adoption change from state to state depending on various independent variables. |
2022 | Spring | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | CCSS Grant |
Sara | Bronin | City and Regional Planning | Exploring the National Zoning Atlas (Conference) | Zoning functions mostly the same in jurisdictions across the country, but zoning data have heretofore been scattered and highly heterogeneous. This conference convenes experts engaged in the standardization and publication of cross-jurisdictional zoning data to explore the methodology underlying the production of the National Zoning Atlas. |
2022 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Architecture Art and Planning | CCSS Grant |
Trevor | Brown | Government | Elite and Citizen Interviews in High-Risk Settings: Research Challenges and Teaching Opportunities | 2020 | Fall | Co-PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Working Group Grant | |
Trevor | Brown | Government | Democracy Deindustrialized?: The Political Economy of the Fall of Industry and the Rise of the Service Economy, 1960-2019 | 2021 | Fall | PI | Cornell College of Arts and Sciences | QuIRI Grant | |
Carolyn | Brown | Re-evaluating Africa and World War II | This conference brought together an international group of scholars to present case studies on the impact of WW II on Africa. The papers presented here formed the core of the volume Africa and WW II (Cambridge University Press, 2015). | 2009 | Spring | Co-PI | Rutgers University | CCSS Grant | |
David | Brown | Development Sociology | The State of Upstate New York Conference: Resiliency, Partnerships and Innovation | 2011 | Spring | Co-PI | Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | CCSS Grant | |
Sebastian | Brown | Testing the Two-Systems Theory of Anomalous Preferences | 2008 | Fall | Co-PI | Harvard | CCSS Grant |
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