Keep ATLAS.ti documents from being deleted on CCSS-RS servers

PROBLEM: By default, ATLAS.ti puts your library on the CCSS Research Support servers’ C drives, and all user data placed in there are deleted each month when the servers go down for maintenance. Thus, your ATLAS.ti data files on the C drive will be erased! Downtimes are usually from 8:00AM to 5:00 PM of the Wednesday following the second Tuesday of each month.

SOLUTION: To avoid files from getting deleted, your ATLAS.ti project library must be redirected to your user work space on the U: drive (or S: drive for those project teams with shared folders or CRADC users). If you don’t set your library properly, you WILL DEFINITELY lose your documents!

Solution instructions for ATLAS.ti version 8

DETAILS: As of January 2021, CCSS-RS servers have ATLAS.ti version 9.  From the ATLAS.ti 9 Windows User Manual: “ATLAS.ti projects and all documents that you add to a project are stored in the application folder on your computer. The Windows application folder is called: AppData and can be found under your user account’s home folder. Within the sub folder Roaming, you find folders from a number of different applications, also for ATLAS.ti. The AppData\Roaming folder is a hidden folder and can either be accessed by entering the full path name or by typing %appdata% into the Windows search field.”   If the user name is “foa2_rs.” the full path would be:

c:\Users\foa2_rs\Appdata\Roaming\Scientific Software\ATLASti.9

This default location for storing ATLAS.ti data can be changed. See below.

The ATLAS.ti library is a system folder and not meant for user access. Files in this folder cannot be used
outside ATLAS.ti.


IMPORTANT!  READ the following sections of the ATLAS.ti 8 Windows User Manual.

  1. The Project Management section, especially “Default Location For ATLAS.ti Project Data”
  2. If you work with a project team, also read the following sections in the manual:
    • Team Work
    • Setting Up a Project Team
    • Project Merge
    • Written User Instructions below
    • Open Atlas.ti
    • Click “Options” bottom left of open screen
    • Click button “Switch Library”. You will have to do this every time you connect to a new CCSS-RS server.
    • Follow steps from pop-up window. Suggested to create an empty folder within U drive and set that as your library. Then place your files there too.

Note: We specifically did not specify the pages of the sections as they can move when ATLAS.ti updates the manual.

Solution instructions for ATLAS.ti version 7
NOTE:  ATLAS.ti announced that starting 1st of May 2018 version 7 of ATLAS.ti will no longer be supported.

DETAILS: From September 2012 to March 2018, CCSS-RS servers ran ATLAS.ti version 7. With version 7, whenever you add documents or convert earlier version HU’s to version 7, copies of your primary documents are stored in a library, which is a special file repository pointing to:

C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Scientific Software\ATLASti\Repository\Managed Files\

Once the documents are added to the library, ATLAS.ti will no longer need your original source documents . It will use the ones in the library (see Project Management Made Easy, p.27-40 in ATLAS.ti 7 What’s New).


  1. Copy Bundle (click on Project -> Save Copy Bundle) your HUs BEFORE the next downtime. Copy Bundle will store in one file your HU and all the primary documents associated with it. Create a bundle for each HU you are working on. The extension name of a version 7 Copy Bundle file is .atlcb. Note: Your copy bundle is just a back-up in case you encounter problems with the next step below.
  2. Redirect the library to your user work space:
    1. Create a folder on your U drive which you will designate as the ATLAS.ti library. For example, let’s say you create a folder called APL (for ATLAS.ti Personal Library).
    2. Open your HU.
    3. Go to Document -> Data Source Management -> Open Library Manager -> Extras -> Move Library to new Location.
    4. In the Move Library to new Location dialog box, point your My Library to U:\APL and click OK. You will see your PDs being moved from the old library to its new location: U:\APL\Managed Files. Note that ATLAS.ti automatically creates a Managed Files subfolder under U:\APL while in the process of transferring files. After the move, you should still be able to open the PDs associated with your HU and their corresponding quotes/codes/memos, etc.
    5. After the move, save your HU preferably on the same location where you saved your original source documents. Then close it.
  3. Never point the library to any folder on the C drive, as it will be deleted at the next downtime. Make sure all your files, including the HUs, are on the U drive (or S drive for those with shared folders or CRADC users).
  4. Important! Next time you open Atlas.ti check to see if your library is pointing to the correct location. You can confirm this by going to: Document -> Data Source Management -> Open Library Manager -> Extras> Set Library Location. If the location is correct, then do nothing. If it is not, then point it to the correct library location.

Related post: Transfer ATLAS.ti projects from version 7 to 8.

To learn more about libraries in ATLAS.ti see the ATLAS.ti training center.

If you have questions/clarifications, please don’t hesitate to contact the CCSS-RS HelpDesk or call Florio Arguillas at 607-255-7838.