Transfer Atlas.ti projects from version 7 to 8

Step 1:  Create a folder for your project’s Atlas.ti library
Create a new folder on your computer that will become the location of your Atlas.ti 8 library for this project (for example U:\MyAtlasti8Project)

  1. Open Atlas.ti. On the Start Screen, click on the Options button found on the bottom left part of the screen.
  2. Click on Switch Library, then Next
  3. Choose Create a new empty library, then Next
  4. Choose the folder you created and designated as the location of this Project’s library (in our example U:\MyAtlasti8Project), then Next
  5. Then Finish.

Step 2:  YOU MUST READ the following sections of the ATLAS.ti 8 Windows User Manual.

  1. The Project Management section, especially “Default Location For ATLAS.ti Project Data” (pages 48-53)
  2. If you work with a project team, also read the following sections of the manual:
    1. Team Work (pages 55-56)
    2. Setting Up a Team Project (pages 57-64)
    3. Project Merge (page 64)

After reading the manual, if you wish to use a different approach for creating your library, please do so.


Step 3:  Now that you’ve created the location of your library and read the manual, here are your options for transferring your Atlas.ti 7 project to Atlas.ti 8.

If you are NOT able to Transfer Bundle your Project in Atlas.ti 7
To import your project from version 7 into ATLAS.ti 8, using ATLAS.ti 8:

  1. Select “Import Legacy Project” from the start screen.
  2. Then locate the HU or Project file
  3. Then locate the path of the library of the HU
  4. Then click Import

IMPORTANT: This option imports Atlas.ti 7, 6, or 5 project (Hermeneutic Unit or Copy Bundle) and create an Atlas.ti 8 project. For Atlas.ti 7 projects, use the Import Project Bundle option for best results (this is option 1 above). All referenced documents must be correctly managed to import legacy projects. Legacy import also requires that media libraries still exist and all paths remain accessible.

If you are able to Transfer Bundle your Project in Atlas.ti 7
To import your project from version 7 into ATLAS.ti 8, using ATLAS.ti 7.5:

  1. Select Project > Export > Transfer Bundle (for Mac & A8). This creates a single-file copy of your project.
  2. Then in Atlas.ti 8, select “Import Project Bundle” from the start screen.
  3. Then locate the transfer bundle file (usually with .AtlPac extension)
  4. Then click Import

Note:  ATLAS.ti version 7 is available on servers rsch103 and rsch106.

IMPORTANT: While project transfer from ATLAS.ti 7 Windows to ATLAS.ti 8 is fully supported, there is no backwards compatibility with ATLAS.ti 7.
To transfer your project to another computer with either ATLAS.ti 8 or ATLAS.t Mac installed, simply export it via File > Export.

Step 4:  Inspect your project to see if all the documents, codes, quotes and other objects are accessible.

Step 5:  Keep your version 7, 6, or 5 project files! Do not move or delete them in case you need them for later.

Questions/Clarifications? Please don’t hesitate to contact the CCSS-RS HelpDesk for assistance.